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Jeanne Lee
Post 90: A Legacy Letter Can Be a Treasure Trove
A palliative care social worker once commented to me, “You know what I hear most often when I suggest legacy projects?...‘I wish I’d...

Jeanne Lee
Post 72: A Sense of Purpose - 3 Suggestions for Regaining It When Illness Has Taken It Away
A sense of purpose. Sometimes this may be our primary source of strength, endurance, and resiliency at a time when health issues and...

Jeanne Lee
Post 49: A Personal Note - Finding Gratitude in My Work
In the spirit of Thanksgiving weekend, I wanted to take a moment to express gratitude with the work I do. Sometimes I am moved by the...

Jeanne Lee
Post 47: Who Do I Tell if I Want to Donate My Organs? - A Few Basic Facts
Who do I tell if I want my organs donated after I die? Though this topic is not typically brought up in a palliative care conversation...

Jeanne Lee
Post 46: How Being a "Fighter" Can Alter Your Path
The particular nouns, adjectives, and verbs we choose to describe ourselves and our lives can alter how we see ourselves and our...

Jeanne Lee
Post 18: Decisions Based on Love Can Be the Hardest to Support
I have seen my healthcare colleagues become so focused on treating a patient, they forget that the patient is a person with a family. I...

Jeanne Lee
Post 12: Legacy Work and the Five Senses
"She picked out her favorite music. I blended her music with the fetal heart sounds of her grandchild. She talked about how much she...

Jeanne Lee
Post 11: An Unintentional Legacy
I used to think of legacy in terms of things - memoir, photos, recipe book, quilt, jewelry. Perhaps it is because many of the patients I...
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